03 August 2006

Quit Your Meanness!

Goddamn, this is like the third or fourth time I've wanted to buy something at work and it's been bought by someone else instead. This time it was a John Coltrane album. WTF y'all. Last time it was the new Asobi Seksu, and the time previous it was a DJ Shadow album. Sigh.

I'm nearing the end of Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone and I'm shocked by how bummed I'm feeling. It's a great book, seriously. I'm a slow reader and I just get so attached to whatever book I'm reading at the moment, so when I'm about to finish a book it pains me. But with this one, it pains me even more.

In other news, I got a new job (yay), so I'm quitting my current one and I'm sorta sad I'm leaving so early but I'm in need of some money. I have to calculate how much store credit I have. I can only hope that all the things I want haven't disappeared from the shelves by Thursday, when I quit.

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