30 August 2006

Pale People.

Jack White

I'm sure this is very old news but I only realized recently that Jack White has a thing for redheads. I'd thought about his wife Karen and about Marcie Bolen. And then I remembered that he mentions red hair in some of his lyrics ("Fell in Love With a Girl"). Hm, now we know why Conan O'Brien showed up in that sub-par Gondry music video.

My Chemical Romance

I was looking at pictures of the new MCR video that's gonna come out soon and I laughed my ass off. Ummm like srsly? Qu'est-ce que c'est? What's with the whole cosplay get-up? Is this video set in an anime convention? ROFLXCORE.

Frankly, I think the new album is gonna be bad news. Conceptually, it just sounds like something Coheed & Cambria would try to pull, and I'm not happy with the marketing... it just seems very suspicious, like they're trying to create this big hoopla to make up for the fact that the music's not that great. Even more so, I hate that one of the first things that showed up on the Black Parade page was a picture of a t-shirt, which would only cost $7.99. Blatant money-sucking strategy. Plus, I would never want to buy an $8 shirt cos it was probably made by some 9-year-old girl in Bangladesh, if not by some Chinese sweatshop worker in the US. Plus, the fact that this album has some sort of concept that includes alter egos, that just sounds like the band is out of their minds, but not in a very punk rock way. More in a "I spend too much time online playing RPGs" sort of way.

I obviously take this band way too seriously. I decided if I got cast to their Fuse thing I wouldn't go. I do hope it shows up on YouTube though... sigh! At first I thought I would regret it, but it's like, c'mon. I'm 19 and have better things to do, like going to class the first day of school. What, what.

Nick Cave & PJ Harvey

This video gets me hot. Ah, such beautiful people!


Anonymous said...

and apparently Jack White named his daughter Saffron, didn't he? defintely a thing for the redheads.

and your paragraph about the new MCR made me LOL! It is pretty awful.

minor disappointments said...

The "Henry Lee" video makes me feel about 25 different types of sadness.

Not as steamy, but have you ever watched this?:

Elizabeth U. said...

I think Jack White's daughter is named Scarlett (sp?). But that only helps proves my point, haha.