27 January 2007

Todo Personal.

So recently I was looking at John Leguizamo stand-up shit on YouTube, right? Like I had a class before where we actually studied his material. I know, totally ridiculous... until you watch his specials and you're like, "Um, this is sort of hilarious?" Well I borrowed out a book from the library, Freak, and I thought it was gonna be a laugh riot. Don't get me wrong, it was pretty funny, but the last bit just makes me wanna cry! It got all poignant and I'm all like, "No, no! Be funny! BE FUNNY!" Way to bum me out. No, it was worse. A lot of times you think people are just full of shit and then suddenly they pull out all this deep stuff out of their asses, and they're brave enough to share it with you, and you're all uncomfortable because you're aware that you don't really get it. Like there's this big thing about Leguizamo's relationship with his dad, and I can't relate at all because my dad is sort of awesome and all you can do is be like, "My bad, it's tragic I got it so good."

It sorta sucked just reading it cos you know so much of it is physical humor and a lot of stuff with accents, too; I wish his specials were widely available on DVD, especially Mambo Mouth, we saw parts of it in class and it was amazing.

In other news, I finally forgot about going to a concert. It's an end of an era for me: I officially don't care enough about concerts. It makes me really sad.

What makes it worse is that it was Deerhoof. I just... It was a crazy week. I spent most of it incredibly angry that I took the time to review the Deerhoof album when all I wanted to do was listen to Soda Stereo. Like I was surprised by how pissed I was and I had to tone down my review, because it's not even a bad album. It's just that I could name way more shit that I'm enjoying right now that ISN'T Friend Opportunity. Whatever, it's my own fault, I don't know why I volunteered to write about it. :/ I'm even mad that Deerhoof are my no. 2 overall on Audioscrobbler. Shit. And it's gonna be my no. 1 for the week, too, which isn't even true because most of the time I was listening to Soda Stereo and Calle 13 on my mp3 player.

WHATEVER. I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

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