17 July 2006

Make it Work.

[Head scratch] I guess I forgot to mention that last week I asked my boss if I'd be allowed into the Insound party, and he was like, "Uhhh do you have a fake ID?" And I was like, "Uhhh NO" and I definitely wasn't gonna put a lot of effort into going to no stinkin' party down in Guillermoburg. Anyway, last minute, my boss was like, "Well, apparently you can go if you want" but I was too pooped and I had to go home before anything so I really didn't wanna schlep my derriere all the way back down just to stay for like an hour or two.

In other news, I got excited because I thought my Weekly Top 5 was finally all indie folks, but then I remembered that Sonic Muthafuckin' Youth haven't been on an indie in a while. Almost, though. Oh, wait, nooo. Plan B is on a major, too. 679 is part of Warner Bros. NEVER MIND then.

Or shall I say "carry on"? They showed Project Runway on network television a couple of hours ago. It was fun, but there's no Santino. Not that I've watched a single complete episode of Season 2, but there's plenty of clips on YouTube and he is hysterical.

Work was so boring today. I guess my boss saw me bumming around, plus, the girl who asked for intern help gave me a coupon on Friday and we're all like buddy-buddy (hehe), so I wasn't about to be like, "I don't wanna go on the computer". It's not that I mind dumb work, but the computer, oh! I go on the computer alllll the time, I like taking the time at work to just make boxes and stuff envelopes and wondering who will receive their contents. I have to say though, she seemed very grateful that I pitched in with the menial computer work, so I'm glad.

Last week this new dude started, and I found him very fishy and odd at first, but now I quite like him. I think he just needed a bit of time to warm up to us. I still find him on the odder side, he's one of those artist types, but he's still pretty functional in society. Last Thursday I was shocked because he was wearing a CSKA shirt, and I had to ask him where the hell he got it! Except I was thinking it was the Russian CSKA and not the Bulgarian one, which is what he was wearing. Anyway, today he was a lot more talkative and we agree that Guy Picciotto is a hottie. And he confirmed that I'd been saying "Picciotto" correctly. It's not tricky like fucking "Buscemi"!

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