17 June 2006

My Allergies Are Making My Head Hurt.

At work I was talking to this girl Anna and I was like "I write for TMT!" and she seemed genuinely excited. She was like, "TMT is my home page!" It was nice because I hardly write to many people except for the other interns. Speaking of the other kids, the two guys I work with regularly both have a "softer" taste in music than me. Like when I like pop music, I want it totally bombastic and loud and flashy, but when they like pop, it means it's nice and well-structured and... I dunno how to explain it. Let's just say I play Kylie Minogue and they play stuff like Jens Lekman. It's not necessarily bad, but I feel like a poop for hogging the music (I usually get to the office first.) Also, and I say this half-jokingly, I fear a coup d'etat against my Reign of FLASHY MINDLESS POP Terror.

The problem is that when I play mainstream stuff, it's just very obvious and already overplayed, and it's no wonder people are like, "Whatevs, biznatch." At the same time, when I play more underground stuff, I go off into some very "obscure" shit, at least for those who live in this American Indie Rock culture. Like if I listen to Café Tacuba, I know there's a lot of people who are like "WTF is this." And to me, a band like Aterciopelados, they just sound like, RAWWWKMUTHAFUCKAS!!! but for others, it sounds like, er, World Music. And it doesn't occur to me there might be music taste issues until the song starts, so part of the problem is definitely me. On top of that, I don't see why we should listen to Pavement and the Clash and Sufjan Stevens and Bloc Party and other such indie rock staples at work when we, as individuals, can go home and listen to that stuff ALL DAY. It's all in my head, but I feel so bad that I keep playing all this music that I'm sure they dislike, but it's not like the other kids are putting on some wild shit of their own for me to discover. Like the only thing I've realized in the past month or so is that The Soft Bulletin really IS a bitching album that I really wanna get. Shit, this is not really making sense. I don't even know what I'm ranting about. I just want to stop feeling bad about playing Asha Bhosle.

Ugh, and I also hate that they play entire albums. C'mon. If there's four kids working, and they all have different tastes, that's not cool! Knowing that my taste in music is a bit weird for the other kids, I don't play more than 5 songs from an album in order.

I feel very relieved just saying all of this. I'm sure I must have contradicted myself like a million times within this post, and I know I need to stop being so fucking neurotic about the music I play in front of other people.

One good thing though! Having guys who like softer music has made me go in the opposite direction, so like on Monday or Tuesday I'ma go and buy that Blood Brothers album I've wanted 4EVA and I think At The Drive-In and get all aggro on y'all. Haha, yeah right. But yeah, I only listened to ATDI for the first time today, I think, and I really liked it.

Oh, and the reason I haven't mentioned Fatrick this entire post:

Yesterday Rachel and I hung out and she mentioned the Hebrew Hammer and I remembered how fucking sexy and awesome he is and I was like, LE SIGH! And I forgot about poor little Fatrick. It was good while it lasted, though!

Yesterday we also went into Trash and Vaudeville uh, twice, to buy two pairs of the same skinny pants, one pair for Rachel and one for Claudia and none for me because I'm afraid my ass would look massive and ugly in that shit even if they say that black is slimming. Tonight my dearest hipster scum friends are going to go-go at Misshapes again and yes, I'm quite jealous that they'll get to dance to "Push It".

Today I stayed home until like 4 before I went out to get my dad a present. Cooped up inside, I thought my head hurt because I stayed up too late last night having a WILD WILD TIME watching er, Conan, and for oversleeping. But then I went out and my head felt, and still feels, quite awful and like it's stuck up someone's ass. But not my ass. Believe me, I have my head stuck up my ass all the time and I know the difference. Holy shit, I sound totally mentally unstable.

Well I went into K-Town. To be honest the reason I waited until today to buy my dad a present was because I was too nervous to go and ask in Korean for the book I wanted. Like my insides were just writhing with nerves, even in though in my head, I knew there was nothing to it. And I went to the bookstore. I tried looking around by myself for the book my dad asked me for, my reasoning being that since I know my Korean letters I'd have no problem finding it. Nope, no clue, so I finally gave up and I went up to the store person and was like, "Do you have this book." No, they didn't have it. Grrreat. Of course, to make things better, my brother was busy so he asked me to buy a cake for my dad, since it was in the same vicinity and all. So I went there and that was absolutely nerve-racking too. I managed to ask for the cake and just when I thought my excruciating experience attempting to speak in Korean was over when I gave the girl two 20-dollar bills for the $28 cake and she gave me only $2 back. I had to correct her. I walked out and went back to the train station and all I wanted to do was cry because I felt like I totally fail at life (and because of the damn allergies). I mean, I already get very nervous talking to people and doing it in a language I don't quite grasp just got me very edgy.

Ummm I swear the next post will be all POPCULTUREXCORE. I'm so glad hardly anyone reads this!

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