23 May 2006


Nothing much to report, honestly. Work has been great! The other interns are fabu!

Went to see Art Brut at Soundfix last night, and by "see", I mean we got there just at 8 and the closest we got to the entrance of the room was this tiny hall where we were cramped like sardines. Of course we had to stand next to the storage space with all the booze to quench those thirsty indie scum with PBR.

The set sounded really good, if, you know, virtually the same set as every other. I couldn't see anything, though I did get a glimpse of Eddie getting on top of something or someone and doing his shouty-singing thing. I felt pretty retarded just standing there feeling like a fire hazard, especially when I knew I'd get home late, so I just left early. The store was pretty nice.

Another unrelated important thing to note is that Lucy Liu and I have the same last name! I'm pretty sure. So says Wikipedia, and y'all know Wikipedia don't lie! It sorta makes sense though, because apparently my last name is like one of the top 5 most common in China. Huh.

Last thing:

Last week or so, Stylus's Stypod featured a new(?) Annie song, and I thought bloggers were gonna pick up on it and seriously go apeshit over it. But I haven't felt any reaction, and the Hype Machine says I didn't miss anything. Maybe people thought it was shitty? I think it's very cute, if not musically brilliant.

I guess I'll go first (or second, ha). Since Stypod only puts up songs for a few days, here's a yousendit of Annie's "The Crush". Enjoy, or not.

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