20 November 2006

Guess Who's Not Writing Her Paper on Les Savy Fav Right Now.

Yes, you heard right. I'm so full of shit I'm writing a 5-6 page paper on Les Savy Fav right now. Think what you will. I only hope that no one from the band finds this and demands that I send them a copy of my paper.

Cough. So tomorrow on TV, there's gonna be a special on NBC. Tony Bennett (sp?) and friends. Watch it. I know I will. Honestly, I don't know why I'm geeking out over it, especially since I can't name any of his signature songs. I just think it'll be nice. Don't you think so?

I'd like to accomplish any of the following during this long weekend:
- Go to MoMA
- Go and see that exhibit on tropicália at the Bronx Museum of the Arts
- Go to the Palms Out Sounds store
- See Evil Dead: The Musical
- Go to Paul's and paint CDs
- Do my homework and catch up on school (fat chance with that one)

If anyone would like to accompany me to any of these, please holla back.

Oh, bee tee dubs, the Times totally wrote an article about little kids in Park Slope being in rock bands and how the mastermind behind all of this is Steve Buscemi's kid. The namechecking on this article was astounding.


Gabriela said...

LOL I saw that article. This entry made me LOL hard. I think I want to see Evil Dead, though I can't remember exactly what it is, I feel like I read about it wanted to go. OK cool bye!

Gabriela said...

That video is amazing.